Heterogeneity of intellectual labor content as a substantial feature of information economy

  • Krasova E.V.

    Elena V. Krasova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Vladivostok. Russia


The article reveals heterogeneity of intellectual labor content. The intellectual labor concept is actively discussed in modern scientific literature. A widespread conceptual approach to intellectual labor content has been identified, and the most relevant characteristics of labor corresponding to this approach
have been designated. A correlation between creative (original, complex, organizing) and template (routine, simple, processing) components of intellectual labor is substantiated. A correlation between the intellectual labor heterogeneity and its intensity & tension is shown. Limited possibilities for implementing the innovative function of intellectual labor and potential for increasing its productivity are explained.
Keywords: intellectual labor, information and communication technologies, creative labor, template labor, ntensive labor, innovation, labor productivity.